Eye Injuries And Loss Of Vision

Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Advocating For New Jersey Employees
Eye injuries and loss of vision are among the most devastating injuries that a person can suffer in the workplace since they often cause significant pain and result in loss of vision. Losing the ability to see irreparably diminishes a person’s quality of life and ability to earn an income, and many people who lose their vision are uncertain of their options for addressing their harm. If you suffered an eye injury in the workplace, you may be owed workers’ compensation benefits and should speak to an attorney regarding your rights. The New Jersey eye injury lawyers at New Jersey Workers Compensation Lawyer of JFM Law take pride in aiding people injured in the workplace in the pursuit of benefits. If you engage our services, we will work tirelessly to help you seek a just outcome. We assist people in a variety of workers’ compensation matters in cities throughout New Jersey.
Causes Of Eye Injuries And Vision Loss In The Workplace
One of the most common causes of eye injuries is debris, such as metal shards, pieces of glass, nails, and splinters that fly into the eyes of an employee. This type of injury often occurs in employees working on construction sites, on assembly lines, or in industrial occupations. Head injuries can also cause vision disturbances and can be caused by falls, motor vehicle collisions, and falling objects. Workers may also suffer eye injuries due to toxic chemicals that come in contact with the eye, or long-term exposure to harmful lights or UV rays. Eye injuries can cause blindness, light sensitivity, migraines, a reduced field of vision, and blurred and double vision. In many instances, a person who suffers a severe eye injury will be unable to return to work. If this happens, they should promptly consult an eye injury attorney in New Jersey.
Benefits Available For People Who Suffer Eye Injuries At Work
Employees who suffer eye injuries in the workplace may be able to recover both medical benefits and income benefits, depending on the severity of their injuries. Medical benefits include any treatment that is reasonable and that the employee needs to be restored to his or her pre-injury condition. Generally, this may include hospitalization, surgery, prescriptions, and prosthetic devices, such as a glass eye.
If the employee is unable to work for more than seven days, he or she may be entitled to recover temporary total disability benefits. Temporary total benefits are based on the employee’s weekly wage but must fall within state-defined parameters. An employee will receive temporary total benefits until his or her treating physician states that the employee has reached maximum medical improvement, or until the employee returns to work.
In cases in which the employee is still disabled after the temporary disability period ends, he or she may be able to recover permanent disability benefits for a partial or total disability with the assistance of a New Jersey eye injury attorney. Loss of vision in an eye is deemed a scheduled loss under New Jersey law, which means that the state has defined the duration for which an employee can receive benefits. Specifically, for loss of vision in an eye, an employee may receive benefits for 200 weeks, whereas for the enucleation of an eye, an employee may receive benefits for 25 weeks. The amount of benefits that an employee with a permanent eye injury or loss of vision receives depends on the percentage that he or she is deemed disabled. If an employee suffers the loss of both eyes, he or she will be deemed permanently and totally disabled and will receive 70% of his or her weekly wages at the time of the injury, subject to the state minimum or maximum, for 450 weeks. In some cases, moreover, the benefits period may be extended.
Contact An Experienced Workers’ Compensation Attorney
Severe eye injuries can affect every aspect of a person’s life. If you were involved in an accident in the workplace that caused you to suffer an eye injury or loss of vision, it is wise to confer with an eye injury lawyer in New Jersey regarding the benefits that you may be owed. At New Jersey Workers Compensation Lawyer, our experienced attorneys possess the skills and knowledge needed to help you seek the full extent of benefits available, and we will diligently advocate on your behalf. We regularly represent people in workers’ compensation matters in cities throughout New Jersey, including people in Burlington, Atlantic, Bergen, Camden, Hudson, Essex, Middlesex, Mercer, Ocean, Somerset, Monmouth, Passaic, and Union counties. You can reach us at 866-916-3549 or through our online form to set up a meeting.