Light Duty Workers’ Comp Claim

New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Attorney
If you were injured on the job your employer may insist that you come back to light-duty work, possibly with reasonable accommodation. Under New Jersey workers’ compensation law, you are required to perform light-duty work if it is offered and your doctor releases you for the work. Insurance carriers pay out less in income and medical benefits to employees who go back to work soon after their accident or injury. Therefore the insurer will pressure the employer to provide alternate work assignments. If you have light duty workers’ comp claim, speak with a skilled workers’ compensation attorney today.
Contact us at New Jersey Workers Compensation Lawyer of JFM Law to arrange a free consultation with a workers’ compensation lawyer. Find out how light-duty work will affect your claim.
Common Problems with Light Duty Work Assignments
- The work may not actually be “light duty.” A common workplace injury is a herniated disc or lower back sprain. The back injury may have happened in the course of heavy manual labor. While clerical work may seem like light duty, sitting in a chair for hours a day may actually aggravate the condition.
- A dispute may arise overpayment of income benefits if the employer is paying a wage for light-duty work.
- Once an employee is back at work, there may be difficulties in reopening the claim if the condition worsens.
- The employee may be required to do clerical work but lack the skills and training to perform the tasks.
The most important thing if you have been injured in an employment-related accident or have a repetitive stress injury, is that you get the complete course of treatment you need for maximum recovery. If a light-duty assignment will interfere with your recovery or prevent you from collecting benefits you deserve, our attorneys will argue on your behalf.
Contact a Workers’ Comp Attorney About Light Duty Work
At New Jersey Workers Compensation Lawyer our workers’ compensation lawyers and staff are committed to providing injured workers with responsive and effective legal services. If your employer is asking you to perform light duty work after your injury, it is important to have a lawyer to review your claim in order to see that you are being treated fairly. Please call 866-916-3549 or email our office to arrange a free consultation.
Do you have a claim against a person other than your employer for an employment-related injury? See Third Party Claims.
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